Qualified, Trusted, and Experienced
Fighting for You in Wrongful Termination Cases
Losing a job can be a major setback, especially when it’s done unfairly. LF Law is ready to support employees who’ve faced wrongful and unlawful termination. With a solid background in employment law, we are equipped to provide you with the highly qualified legal representation you deserve.
If you believe you’ve been unlawfully dismissed from your job, we are committed to fighting for your rights and holding employers accountable for their actions, ensuring you are treated with fairness and dignity both in the workplace and beyond.
Seeking the Justice You Deserve
A wrongful termination occurs when your employer fires you for unlawful reasons. Unlawful reasons can include cases of workplace discrimination, including firing you because of your gender, sexual orientation, religion, pregnancy, age, or disability. It can also include retaliation for whistleblowing.
Wrongful termination can occur under several circumstances, including:
- Termination due to workplace discrimination
- Retaliation for reporting illegal activities or safety violations
- Dismissal for taking legally protected leave, such as FMLA
- Violations of employment contracts
Depending on the circumstances of your case, there are several legal remedies that you may seek, including reinstatement, compensation for lost wages and benefits, damages for emotional distress, and punitive damages against your employer. Attorney Luwick Francois can help you in obtaining a just resolution for your workplace grievances
Standing Up for Your Rights
Don’t let a wrongful termination upend your career and put your financial security at risk. LF Law PLLC will work with you to protect your rights and hold your employer accountable. You can rely on LF Law PLLC to provide the legal support you need and ensure that you obtain the justice you deserve. Schedule a consultation, virtually or in person, by calling (347) 334-9546 or completing the online contact form.